Privacy policy

We work to ensure that your privacy is protected when using our services. Your access and use of our website constitute your acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. We take responsibility for all the personal data (such as your name, address, email address and phone number ) that you provide us with, obtained when you subscribe to our newsletter or when you create a personal profile.

We use the information that we collect to fulfill our commitments to you and to provide you with the service that you expect. This includes sending you information and offers for marketing purposes. In order to provide you with relevant offers and information, we may analyze your personal data. We will only keep your data for as long as necessary to carry out our services to you or for as long as we are required by law. After this your personal data will be deleted.

You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold on you. If your data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can ask to have the information corrected or removed. There are two types of cookies: permanent and temporary (session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile device for no longer than 12 months. Session cookies are stored temporarily and disappear when you close your browser session.
